CFDA-approved BOTOX Aesthetic is the most popular treatment for fine lines and wrinkles with no recovery time! Consultations for BOTOX Aesthetic are offered at our Elkhart, Goshen and Notre Dame locations to treat areas such as:
- Frown lines
- Forehead lines
- Crow’s feet
- Paper-like crinkles under the eyes

How BOTOX Aesthetic Works
Botulinum toxin, or BOTOX, works by weakening or relaxing the muscles of facial expression. Once the resting tone of the treated muscle is weakened, the pull of the muscle relaxes and the overlying skin flattens.
Very small amounts of BOTOX Aesthetic are injected into the muscles using a very tiny needle. Depending on the areas being treated, two to four needle pricks (or more) may be required. Discomfort is minimal and lasts only a few minutes.
BOTOX Aesthetic Results
Results are seen within one to two days following the injection and the full effect of the BOTOX Aesthetic injection is noted after two weeks. Re-injection is necessary typically between four to six months.
Risks & Side Effects Of BOTOX Aesthetic
Complications are rare but may include paralysis of a nearby muscle resulting in its temporary loss of function (e.g., drooping eyelid). For this reason, you should make sure that the person performing the injections understands eye and facial anatomy.
Occasionally, the tiny needle may puncture a small blood vessel during the injection and a small black and blue area may develop. Such an area can last five to ten days and requires makeup to cover.
There are no known generalized side effects to BOTOX Aesthetic. If any of the Botulism toxin reaches a facial muscle not being treated, partial weakness of that muscle may last for several months. (It is for this reason that you are requested not to massage the injected areas for 12 hours following injection.) In the event of an area of unwanted muscle weakness, the only “treatment” is to wait for the effect of the toxin to wear off.
Find Out If BOTOX Is Right For You
Schedule an aesthetic consultation online today or call 800-283-8393.